We are an Independent Law Firm Providing Legal Services to Clients Across the Globe

At Uzunpınar & Tüfek International Law Firm, experienced attorneys offer expert legal advice and representation to clients navigating the complexities of international law, across various countries and jurisdictions.


Trusted Partners

Our Services

Strategic Legal Solutions: Consult. Litigate. Resolve.

Empowering you with strategic legal expertise—where consultation illuminates, litigation advocates, and resolution prevails.



Elevate your legal perspective with our consultation services.



Crafting winning strategies for effective and tenacious litigation.

How do we work?

Empowering your rights, embracing legal excellence.

We empower you to understand your rights, navigate complex legal landscapes, and achieve your desired outcomes.


Consultation and Case Assessment

In the initial phase, I will conduct a thorough assessment of your case. This involves gathering all relevant information, documents, and details pertaining to your legal matter. We will then schedule a detailed consultation to discuss the specifics of your situation, enabling me to gain a comprehensive understanding of the facts and circumstances surrounding your case. This step is crucial for identifying the key legal issues and formulating an effective strategy tailored to your unique needs.


Legal Research & Analysis

Once the case details are established, I will embark on an in-depth legal research process. This involves studying relevant statutes, precedents, and legal doctrines that pertain to your case. I will analyze the information gathered during the case assessment and apply the law to the specific facts of your situation. This meticulous research and analysis will serve as the foundation for building a strong and persuasive legal argument on your behalf.


Strategy Development & Implementation

With a solid understanding of the legal landscape and a comprehensive analysis of your case, I will develop a strategic plan. This plan will outline the steps we will take to pursue a favorable outcome. Whether it involves negotiations, alternative dispute resolution methods, or courtroom litigation, the strategy will be customized to align with your goals and priorities. Throughout this process, I will keep you informed and involved, ensuring that you are empowered to make informed decisions about the direction of your case.


Communication and Advocacy

Open and transparent communication is integral to a successful attorney-client relationship. I am committed to keeping you informed about the progress of your case, updates on any developments, and promptly addressing any questions or concerns you may have. As your advocate, I will represent your interests passionately, presenting a compelling case in negotiations or court. Your voice will be heard, and your rights vigorously defended throughout the legal proceedings.

online consultatıon

Beyond screens, within reach: Transformative solutions through online consulting.

Breaking the confines of screens, our online consulting delivers transformative solutions within immediate reach, offering a dynamic bridge between your aspirations and actionable, innovative guidance.


Application for Consultation

Are you facing legal uncertainties or seeking professional advice? Submit an application for consultation, and our experienced team of lawyers will carefully review your case, providing tailored insights and guidance to address your specific legal needs.


Preliminary Due Diligance

Prior to diving into legal proceedings, our team conducts meticulous preliminary due diligence to assess the unique aspects of your case. This thorough examination enables us to better understand the complexities involved and ensures we approach your legal matters with the precision they deserve.


Online Meeting

Embrace the convenience of online consultations. Our virtual meetings offer a secure and accessible platform for you to discuss your legal concerns from the comfort of your home or office. Connect with our experts, receive real-time advice, and navigate your legal challenges seamlessly through our online meeting services.

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Delivering The Meeting Records

Following our insightful online meetings, we provide comprehensive records of our discussions. These records serve as a valuable resource, documenting the advice, recommendations, and action plans discussed during the consultation. Our commitment to transparency ensures you have a clear reference for the steps ahead in addressing your legal matters.


From Our Dear Clients

Schedule your online consultation now!

Connect with legal wisdom from your home through our online consultations, where you’ll have the opportunity to meet with Attorney Eray Tüfek. Our experienced legal team delivers tailored advice and solutions to address your specific needs.

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Att. Eray Tüfek

10+ Years of Experience at Law

News & ARtıcles

In the pursuit of justice, knowledge is power.

In the pursuit of justice, the formidable power of knowledge serves as our guiding light, empowering us to navigate legal complexities with wisdom and precision.